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PSYCHIC READINGS by Maya Britan Artist Creator

20% Discount Off
Tarot Psychic Readings

by Appointment Only
text Maya@ 206 718 2267

I Am a natural born Clairvoyant and Empath offering tarot and psychic readings with The I Am One tarot deck which is my own artwork creation and spiritual development (published 2002) based on over 30 years of practice. Psychic readings can be virtually done via FaceTime & WhatsApp or In-Person, Beverly Hills, CA. 90212
Please contact Maya to schedule an appointment!

Daily Tarot Psychic Readings
Monday - Sunday 11:30 - 6:00

tarot psychic readings tarot psychic readings tarot psychic readings

tarot psychic readings by Maya Britan artist creator of I Am One tarot deck of cards

Select one of the options above and text me to schedule day and time. Readings are available same day or the next. You can pay online with credit cards = Apple Pay = Venmo = Zelle

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