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Self-announcement: I Am Education.

Hebrew letter:  HE' - represents: THE KINGDOM.



The breakdown of an eternal one moment into time consuming many sessions, is what we consider education.   The Hierophant talks when the Speaker vibrates.  The passage of the voice is a copper string, which unifies both worlds: functioning and in stillness.

This book lights a whole new perception of truth that is far beyond goodness or righteousness. Indeed this is a first step toward true education, as we connect with the teacher who is assigned universally for this task.

The Speaker intensifies the domain of truth, “truth” that no one really likes to know. The lessons provided by the Speaker are perfectly designed to serve each and every private individual and are revealed only at the moment of one's readiness to shift his or her personal perceptions.

This kind of “private school” is always available, and the learning process complements life's constant flow, where the invisible teacher is providing a miraculous learning experience for teachers and students as they engage in a ring of unity. The ring is a circular form, which vibrates a ratio of true expression around each individual.

Tarot Card 5 The Speaker intensifies the domain of truth, “truth” that no one really likes to know

The Speaker at the center of the card is holding the ring high up in one hand and a key in the other. In a way, he refers the nature of the ring to be very secretive and exclusive — a holy ring. (The ring's hole is what makes it holy, nothing to do with religion). The ring functions as a collective mind by ways of merging other rings into a larger circle that provides information to its members.

To enter the ring, one must attain a certain speed rate of vibration and frequency that matches a numerical codex from the beginning creation of the ring. The code is formulated as 55555 which can be interpreted as the most demanding request for truth and nothing but the truth.


Pay attention to how big the Speaker's heart is, which means that when one speaks from the heart, even physical matter will be moved by it, as portrayed by the crumbling earth at the background of the card. What it really means is that powerful words that are delivered directly from the Creator's mind (still universe), can be used to undo or change the physical reality (functioning universe).


Like the Hierophant, the Speaker tarot card is committed to offer new methods of education, especially during a time of upheaval when old schools are falling apart while giving way to a new mental evolution. He refers to the power of the word, especially when used by ones that are considered to be the real educators of the time.


Words can break old concepts apart when properly used, but time reveals that it is most important to plant new mental seeds during a period of intellectual diversion, for the sake of future generations (any future creation).

History repeats itself, but simple things that are down to earth will never change, like a farmer who turns the earth upside down as he is preparing to put new seeds deep inside her. He knows that his present action will harvest another tomorrow.

It has been said, “Don't be over excited by the ability to break old concepts down, but make sure you have new ideas to come forth with". One must use the old broken methods as good soil to promote the new growth, as flower buds suggest as they spread on the ground in front of the Speaker.


If you relate to the Speaker tarot card, you are being advised to look at things from a whole different perspective and to use more insight. This card tells you to be very honest with yourself before speaking your mind because there is much going on that is not as obvious as it seems. The card also indicates administrative ability and involvement with educational projects, but even more, one must remember that education starts with oneself. As most teachers end up teaching that which they need to learn, they will keep on teaching it until they get it.


The evolution of the world is happening through its education and it has never once stopped.

The number 5 indicates truth and is akin to the Speaker. All 5 cards in a reading will highlight certain issues where truth is waiting to be revealed.



Brief Overview: 1) It is time to unfold or declare some true, yet hidden issues. 2) Speak from your heart and it will reach others’ hearts. 3) A miracle is being presented, ask and it shall be given (look into the Course in Miracles). 4) It is time to be very honest with oneself and others. 5) Educational projects are within reach. 6) An urge to study and develop one's education. 7) School properties.

Common Implication: Truth; True meaning; Honesty; A miracle; Lesson; Training; Administration; Radio station; Voice and sound; Teaching and learning.

Physical location: School or an administrative facility.


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