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Self-announcement:   I Am Master of Error.

Hebrew Letter: SAMECH - represents: CROWN.



The Devil functions as the Veil of mental diffusion, where ignorance finds safety behind its shady appearance.  The Thinker, on the other hand, ought to make as many mistakes as needed to learn as much as possible.


With this approach in mind, nothing is evil anymore, but a great challenger instead, and when we are confronted by it (in whatever shape, form, or appearance) we do not want to miss its presence but rather handles it heads on.


The devil imposes a wrong state of mind and causes mistakes, yet how else are we to turn information into knowledge if not through experience and, unfortunately, error is the best provider of experience.

The Thinker is a mastermind, dominating heart, soul, and body with its programmed command. Every sensation in one's existence is processed and translated by the Thinker (the rational mind). Our mind thus functions as a processor, much like a computer does, as one is made as a copy of the other, yet the quality of performance in either case has much to do with the programmer of each.

Tarot Card 15 The Thinker

According to this scenario, every individual who is The Thinker can be upgraded or degraded, depending on the owner's will, skill, and intent. Like people's minds, computers are expected to make mistakes, but every new upgraded model is made better by corrections of the old model's mistakes. The same attitude should be applied to human mistakes, but most people are afraid of making mistakes to begin with, and when they do, they do not like to admit it, thus limiting their learning experience.

The Thinker at the center of the card is sitting in a meditative position on top of a tree. His body is red, which means he is worshiping the physical reality by giving it a spiritual meaning. His mind is tied up with a metal chain, which controls both sides of the card and indicates control over both states of mind, conscious and subconscious.


The Thinker aims at his mental subject, the lovers, who are lying on the ground (a pair of opposites), a white-black man. Thus the pictorial scenery announces error to be found in mental concepts of opposites which are strictly framed within the emotional perception of love, as one side of the chain is capturing a heart hanging far beyond the couple's reach. This is done in order to prevent true unity of sexual opposites from achieving mental completion, by which the Thinker will lose control over both. ( woman and men).

This separating and empowering method of control exhibited here is borrowed from the Roman Empire, whose winning leaders said, “Separate the united group first and then control the particles.”

The spiral ring motion above the thinker's head is suggestive of releasing the tie by reversing this mind in a counterclockwise direction.

A snake is approaching the tree from its bottom ground (almost invisible), referring to one of the two famous trees of the Garden of Eden, but each one of us have to decide whether it is the tree of life or the tree of knowledge.


ADVICE about the thinker

Snake appearing in a card is a reminder that we are being challenged with a riddle, invoking a preferred solution that can determine an upgraded capacity of our mental states. When struggling with mental riddles, try not to fall into either one of the options presented as “this or that” but reason with both instead until they unite as one idea.  In this case, we may identify the one tree as consistent of both: life and knowledge, as reason shown no separation between the two. 

Whether a Tree is of Life Within Knowledge, or a Tree is of Knowledge of Life, the question is invalid and already contains the answer within it. (There is no life without knowledge and all knowledge is of life).


When the thinker takes a seat in the reading, one may acknowledge the fact that he/she is being challenged and forced to look deeper into certain situations, especially those which get a little out of hand. Figure out where an error occurred and work it out from a place of reversal and comparison of the opposing elements. Keep in mind that this is a test time and avoid piling unnecessary actions on top of mistakes. The thinker card also indicates separation, usually among mates, friends, and collaborators. It is also suggestive of divorce (depending on other cards in the neighborhood, especially three curved blades).


Use the thinker in good health and do not be alarmed by old devil methods, for he is truly a best friend in an environment where one is totally dependent on his/her mind's capacity to process the physical senses. Give it clear and simple commands and it will serve you well, as good computers do. Don't let it take command over you as apparently most of us still do, by simply learning how to review your own thoughts.

Another way to undo the mind's serious and often heavy state is by using its intelligence in humorous ways.



The number 15 is considered a 6 (1+5=6) and indicates relationships and is akin to the Thinker. All number 6 cards in a reading will highlight possible mistakes that bring greater learning experience, especially within given relationships.

Brief Overview: 1) Indicates putting in hard work and great effort. 2) Enormous strength, will and drive. 3) Potential mistakes or a separation process. 4) Computer skills. 5) Also indicates great sense of humor and healthy sexual appetite. 6) In regard to relationships, it indicates a divorce or sexual type of connection.

Common Implication: Materialistic interest; Analytic approach, or analyzing process; Intelligence; Physical achievements; Mistakes; Divorce; Separation; Computers; Humor; Busy time; Obsessions; Male sexuality.

Physical location: The Internet or in traffic.


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